The results of our microbenchmarks are available in a machine-readable XML file. The file contains the results for all tested microarchitectures, both as measured on the actual hardware, and as obtained from running our microbenchmarks on top of Intel IACA.
Furthermore, the file also contains detailed information on the operands of each instruction, which was obtained from the configuration files of Intel's X86 Encoder Decoder (XED) library. We provide a brief Python script that shows how this information can be used to automatically generate assembler code for all x86 instructions.
instructions.xml (December 2022, current version)
instructions.xml (April 2022)
instructions.xml (January 2022)
instructions.xml (December 2021)
instructions.xml (June 2021)
instructions.xml (March 2021)
instructions.xml (November 2020)
instructions.xml (March 2020)
instructions.xml (November 2019)
instructions.xml (April 2019)
instructions.xml (September 2018)